You can’t blueprint society.

-ism’s or ideologies will always fall short because of the world’s complexity.

We’ve got to work together, learning and adapting as we go.

Let’s create something peaceful to build upon.

Let's cure commonplace addictions and inspire active citizens.

Here's how we're doing it.

  1. Providing effective and zero-cost methods for quitting addictions.

  2. Showing people easy ways of spreading these methods locally.

  3. Inspiring people to dream further in solving local problems.

We'd love having you on board.

Curing addiction

Everyone is affected either directly or indirectly.

Let’s popularise methods for quitting that actually work. is an open source book about quitting pornography. collates addiction resources to help freeing people and sharing them. is for plain packaging campaigns that actually work.

If you'd like to get involved in spreading addiction cessation, here's everything that you can do to help out.

Calm communities

If you've cured a lot of people from addiction, what do you get them to do? is an actionable vision for sustainable, people-focused education communities. is for teaching people useful skills in a simple way. is for understanding and using a new type of computer.

Billions of people are addicted to substances that, when approached correctly, are easy to quit.

A silver lining of this is a commonality for uniting people.

If you're interested in helping, please check out the backstage page to get in contact.

We're at the start of many utopian technologies and movements.

Let's build a peaceful way of enjoying them.