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Here's everything that you need to know about peaceful foundation on one simple page.


Peaceful Foundation focuses on local social impact.
It’s most notably the parent organisation for quiteasily and easypeasy.

What do you do with a diverse people who are free from addiction?

I think they should make their communities calmer, kinder and more local.


We’re a very flat organisation, much like a local community.


Honesty. Always tell the truth.

Respect. Treat everyone with importance and kindness, even when you disagree.

Understanding. Trust people to know their communities best, and give them calm tools to shape them.

Simplicity. Seek solutions that broadly benefit everyone, without adding complexity.

Fun.Our activities should be fun to create and perform, even when benign.

Legal Peaceful Foundation Ltd is an Australian Company Limited by Guarantee.

Our Australian Business Number (ABN) is 54667075541

and Australian Company Number (ACN) is 667 075 541


Nobody likes email, so let’s try minimising the time we spend on it.

Please make sure you

1. Summarise your email in the subject.
2. Write concisely.

For example,

to: easypeasy
subject: [role] with [past] experience would like to help out with [task or idea] for [time]

Hey! easypeasy really changed my life and I'd love to help out. I'm a [role] with a background in [the past] and think that I can help out doing [task or idea that might help.]

I'm available to help between [time] on [days], and can meet any time that suits you, and have gotten started doing [task].

Wishing you well,

For pretty much everything, please email

hello[at][domain name].org

... but if you've got an opportunity you feel needs priority attention, like being a celebrity, government department, or anything else huge please email

     youdontunderstand[at][domain name].org

We’ll try answering all emails as fast as we can, so we ask you please respect these sorting systems. We’re only human!


For media inquiries, please contact media+foundation[at][domain name].org